Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Campaign Social Media Toolkit 2021

Alt-Text: Illustration of Embers approaching a house with the text, “Is your home ignition resistant”
Facebook: Wildfire knows no season. For this reason, we are recognizing the Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Campaign from May through October! During this campaign, we hope to empower and encourage Lake Tahoe residents to prepare for wildfire. To learn more, visit
Is your home ignition resistant? 60-90% of homes lost during wildfires are ignited by burning embers that can travel as far as a mile ahead of a fire. Engaging in pre-fire activities, such as creating defensible space and hardening homes to withstand wildfire, can help create ignition resistant homes and communities that are less vulnerable to embers.
#TahoeLivingWithFire #FireYear #DefensibleSpace #LTWAC #Wildfire #FirePrep #FireSafety #FireAdapted
Twitter: Wildfire knows no season. This year, we are recognizing the Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Campaign from May through October. We hope to empower Tahoe residents to prepare for wildfire and create ignition resistant communities. To learn more, visit
#TahoeLivingWithFire #FireYear #DefensibleSpace #LTWAC #Wildfire #FirePrep #FireSafety #FireAdapted

Alt-Text: Illustration of the different defensible space zones around a home with the text “Defensible space, Know the zones.”
Facebook: The Defensible Space Zone is the area around your house where vegetation has been managed to reduce the threat of wildfire and to allow firefighters to safely defend the property. Creating effective defensible space means understanding the different zones around the home.
THE EMBER-RESISTANT ZONE (Zone 0) |The zone within 5 feet of your home has many different names (e.g., the noncombustible zone, the immediate zone, the zero zone), but the objective is generally the same—to reduce the vulnerability of the home to embers. This area should always be kept clean of any dead vegetation and debris, and fire-resistant materials, such as gravel, concrete or brick should be emphasized.
THE LEAN, CLEAN, AND GREEN ZONE (Zone 1) | 5–30 feet from the home: To reduce the risk of fire spreading from plant life to the home, limit the amount of vegetation in this zone. Keep this area free of dead vegetation and debris, and make sure all plants are green and well-irrigated.
THE REDUCED FUEL ZONE (Zone 2) | The objective of this zone is to reduce fire spread and restrict fire movement into the crowns of trees or shrubs. Here, combustible items, like low-lying tree branches and dead plants should be removed.
Consult the Living With Fire Home Retrofit Guide linked below for information on creating defensible space and preparing your home for wildfire.
#TahoeLivingWithFire #FireYear #DefensibleSpace #LTWAC #Wildfire #FirePrep #FireSafety
Twitter: The Defensible Space Zone is the area around your house where vegetation has been managed to reduce the threat of wildfire and to allow firefighters to safely defend the property. Learn more below.
#TahoeLivingWithFire #FireYear #DefensibleSpace #LTWAC #Wildfire #FirePrep #FireSafe

Alt-Text: Illustration of the space between a home and vegetation, with a fire approaching and text that says, “Defensible Space, Create separation between home and flammable vegetation.”
Facebook: Flammable vegetation close to homes poses a significant wildfire threat. Creating and maintaining defensible space can reduce that threat. Learn more about defensible space in our guide, “Fire Adapted Communities: The Next Step in Wildfire Preparedness” below.
#TahoeLivingWithFire #FireYear #DefensibleSpace #LTWAC #Wildfire #FirePrep #FireSafety
Twitter: To protect your property during a wildfire, create defensible space by separating plants from your house. Learn more in our Fire Adapted Communities publication, linked below.
#TahoeLivingWithFire #FireYear #DefensibleSpace #LTWAC #Wildfire #FirePrep #FireSafety