The LTBMU Seeks Public Scoping Comments on the Tahoe Basin Caldor Hazard Tree and Fuels Reduction Project
February 16th, 2022Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
February 11, 2022
The LTBMU Seeks Public Scoping Comments on the Tahoe Basin Caldor Hazard Tree and Fuels Reduction Project
The USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) is seeking comments on the proposed action for the Tahoe Basin Caldor Hazard Tree Fuels Reduction Project. The project includes approximately 1,528 acres of National Forest System (NFS) lands burned during the Caldor Fire and approximately 50 acres of NFS lands damaged during Caldor Fire suppression action. The proposed action describes proposed reductions in fuel loading and removal of fire-killed trees or weakened trees that are likely to die because of fire damage, and other trees that pose a hazard to roads, trails, private property and developed recreation sites impacted by the Caldor Fire. The project also includes proposed planting of native trees and vegetation in priority areas impacted by bulldozer line construction and in areas where hazard trees would be removed. These actions would be implemented on the LTBMU and are described in more detail in the proposed action document.
To review the project
The project may be found on the LTBMU Projects web page at (if link is not working, please copy into your browser). Or, you may go to our Forest home page under “Land & Resources Management” (left column), then “Projects”. Once on the Projects web page, scroll down to the “Under Analysis” section and select “Tahoe Basin Caldor Hazard Tree Fuels Reduction Project.” To review the proposed action and maps: On the “Tahoe Basin Caldor Hazard Tree Fuels Reduction Project” project web page, under Project Documents, select the “Scoping” tab.
How to Comment and Timeframe
This project is in the initial (scoping) stage of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis. This scoping notice is intended to provide those interested in or affected by this project with an opportunity to make their concerns known. If you have information the Forest Service may not be aware of, or feel you have issues (points of dispute, debate, or disagreement) regarding potential effects of the Proposed Action, please provide comments using one of the methods described below. Written and electronic comments concerning this project will be most helpful if they are submitted by Monday, March 14th, 2022 at 11:59pm. Your comments and contact information will be considered part of the public record and may be available for public inspection.
Preliminary assessments have determined that the project falls within a Categorical Exclusion (CE) found in the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, Section 3603, excluding it from the need for either an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Electronic Comments: On the individual project page, under the righthand column heading "Get Connected", click on "Comment / Object on Project" and follow instructions there. All comments must be either written or typed (verbal comments are not accepted). Please follow the instructions carefully at the above link to determine the kind of comments most useful to help us with this project.
Postal mail comments should go to: Aimee Lorincz, Tahoe Basin Caldor Hazard Tree Fuels Reduction Project, LTBMU, 35 College Dr., South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, hand-delivered letters will not be accepted at any Forest Service office at this time.
Electronic comments must be submitted through the comment form on the project website, email comments will not accepted. For further information regarding this Proposed Action, contact Aimee Lorincz at