Fight Fire with a Plan
July 1st, 2020PRESS RELEASE
Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team
For Immediate Release
July 01, 2020
Fight Fire with a Plan
The Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team urges residents to prepare for wildfire
Contact: University of Nevada, Reno Extension Jamie Roice-Gomes, (775) 336-0261 or
LAKE TAHOE, Calif./Nev. - The Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team is promoting Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Month during July. This year’s theme is “Fight fire with a plan” to encourage residents and visitors to prepare their family, property and possessions now before a wildfire starts by creating a plan.
Some ways to plan include:
- Develop a family evacuation plan.
- Assemble a Go-bag and a disaster supply kit for your home and vehicle.
- Create and maintain defensible space around homes.
- Sign up for emergency notifications for residents and visitors and stay informed.
- Reduce the threat of wildfire by learning about embers and how to harden your home. Attend the free virtual Tahoe Home Retrofit Workshop detailed below.
Due to COVID-19, all Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Month in-person events are postponed, but on July 28, University of California Cooperative Extension and University of Nevada, Reno Extension will hold a free virtual workshop to educate residents on how to harden their home against wildfire.
According to University of California Cooperative Extension Advisor emeritus and retired Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability for IBHS, Dr. Steve Quarles, “Post-wildfire assessments have shown that more than 60% of home ignitions are the result of wind-blown embers. The chance of home ignitions can be greatly reduced if residents create and maintain an effective defensible space on their property and take steps to harden their homes to make them more resistant to embers.”
Zoom Tahoe Home Retrofit Workshop date: July 28, 2020
Pre-register for the workshop:
This workshop is free to the public, but attendees must pre-register.
This July and all year long, the TFFT encourages you to “Fight fire with a plan”. To learn more about how to prepare for wildfire, visit