Prepare for Wildfire at Home: Tahoe Network 10 Weekly Tips
June 2nd, 2020
Because we could not be out in the community the last several weeks, the Tahoe Network sent out ten weekly tips on how to prepare for wildfire at home. Check them out below:
Weekly Tip #1: Create a Go-Bag
Weekly Tip #2: Make a Family Evacuation Plan
Weekly Tip #3: Talk to Kids About Wildfire
Weekly Tip #4: Make a Home inventory List
Weekly Tip #5: Identify Your Home's Ember Vulnerabilities
Weekly Tip #6: Create a Home Hardening Plan
Weekly Tip #7: Create a Non-Combustible Zone
Weekly Tip #8: Create Defensible Space
Weekly Tip #9: Up Your Preparedness Game With Online Tools
Weekly Tip #10: Connect Virtually
We hope you enjoy this series, and we wish you the best of luck with your own wildfire preparedness journey.