Webinars and Virtual Workshops
Wildfire Home Retrofit Workshops
Below are the recordings from the Wildfire Home Retrofit workshop series for residents, building professionals, and wildfire practicioners.
Tahoe Home Retrofit Workshop: How to Harden Your Home Against Wildfire
Wildfire Home Retrofit Workshop for Building Professionals
Wildfire Home Retrofit Workshop for Fire Professionals and Educators
Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Campaign Virtual Series 2021
Below are the recordings and presentations from the “Living With Fire Virtual Series”, part of Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Campaign, 2021.
Firewise Landscaping
Reduce the threat of wildfire and learn about firewise landscaping around your home.
Wendy Hanson Mazet, Certified Arborist, and Extension Plant Diagnostician. She has expertise in horticulture, arboriculture, noxious weeds, and vegetable and low water use gardening.
Powerpoint Presentations:
Wildfire Preparedness Workshop [new]
Below is the recording from our latest Wildfire Preparedness Workshop for residents & neighborhood leaders looking to learn more about all things wildfire.